Giona Bernardi   profile  /  exhibitions  /  images
1998-2002 Painting studies at Brera Fine Arts Academy in Milan.
2007 Videoart Yearbook 2007, curated by Renato Barilli, Bologna, IT; International Film Festival Locarno, Program OFF, La Rada, CH; Mulhouse 007, mention for the first prize, Mulhouse, FR; Il grande disegno, La fabbrica Borroni, curated by E.Gusella, Bollate, IT.
2006 OldBoy, La Rada,Locarno; Migre, Centre Culturel Francais de Milan, Milan.
2005 Insurgent Space, Tirana, Albania; CaniSolaCaniCola, Niska, Locarno (in collaboration with Ivan Berdondini); Crack, Forte Prenestino, Roma; ThinLine, Via Farini, curated by Milovan Farronato, Milan (in collaboration with Ivan Berdondini).
2004 Juan, PergolaTribe, Milan; E il mare intorno, Associazione Sardi Toscana, Florence; Arrivederci e grazie, curated by A.Garutti, Viafarini, Milan.
2003 Antologia della durata, Edizioni Chiarafonte, Lugano, CH; (f)art public, La Rada, Locarno, CH; review of Progress in (f)art for Flash Art Italy; Progress in (f)art, International Film Festival Locarno, Program OFF, La Rada, CH; Happening Underground Leoncavallo Milan; Co-editing and artistic direction of  “Lolabrigida3” Italy-Mexico.
2002 Recompensas, American Express, Mexico; Contadores, Mexico; MAX, Mexico; Co-editing and artistic direction of  “Lolabrigida2” Italy-Mexico; creation of; Comicoon, San Diego, US; Co-editing and artistic direction of  “Lolabrigida1” Italy-Mexico.
2001 Happening Underground Leoncavallo Milan; Coordination of  the comic section of the catalog “In Fumo” curated by Giacinto Dipietrantonio at the Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art of Bergamo, IT; Il Diavolo, CH; Centrifuga5, Roma; Letti, CSOA Sniaviscosa, Roma; Expocartoon, Roma; Romix, Roma; Co-editing and artistic direction of  “Lolabrigida0” Italy-Mexico.
2000 Happening Underground Leoncavallo Milan.
1999 Cac (Center for Contemporary Art) Bellinzona, CH
1998 Brain Party, Cox18, Milan; Performance BolognaFiera, Bologna, IT; Happening Underground Squat Milan.
1997 Performance ”Poesia dietro le sbarre”, Mulino, Lugano, CH


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