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 Projects  ::  Quantum Vacuum the project  /  images 
Quantum Vacuum video (2004-2005) could be defined a “sacral dance” between the organism and its surrounding field.
All the 3D pictures are drawn out of the science world, produced by the nanotechnologies and worked out again through a rebuilding and animation process as far to be turned into a virtual scenery which constantly interacts with the video’s protagonist.

The actor is a real person with an androgynous appearance. The arms are “fixed” in a Y shape which recalls the ancient godheads and sails in the large quantic space full of whirling particles, matching with some events which can be whether violent or even ludic
The personage position who appears in the video is quite abnormal and embodies a high physical and spiritual tension which recalls some ancient archetype figures with upsilonshaped arms, connected to the immortality. The subject is able to show us the fusion of the uranic man (from above) and telluric one (on this world) so, the description of an immortal being dropped into the magical system of life.

The video is a kind of subtle dialog constituted of bodies and emotions, a molecular and psychical energy exchange. In fact, it concerns the whole substance in the space and time. If it is true, as the poet John Donne claims it, that the atoms dream too, the work can be lived as the poetical experience of a quantum, an atom or each organism.

The film recalls L’inferno, this Giovanni da Modena‘s fresco (1410) situated in the San Petronio’basilica in Bologna and the human figure refers to one of the creatures eaten up (then may be regurgitated) by Lucifer.


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