Giuliana Cunéaz   profile  /  exhibitions  /  projects  /  images
 Projects  ::  Terrains Vagues the project  /  images 
Near the eternal Dionysus recurrence, I think over the memory theme and bewildering by proposing a video installation realized with the joint work of some Berliners called to rake up land of an ideal natural space situated down town as if behind this simple sign was hidden the will of getting back ones origins. To quote Fedor Dostoevskij, they are the memories of the underground reported in the open air through a self analysis extended to the extreme weakness.
Raking up land was a way to carve inside our incomprehensible, obscure and mysterious world in order to focus the attention on this primary element, centre of death and germination, to go temporarily off the closed rhythms of the society, by trying to hear our most secret part through the undergrounds of soul. Moreover, I wished to underline the relation between identity and formative process of the work, from the consciousness that any individual is a multitude.


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